CSA programs were created for the mutual commitment between a farm and a community of supporters. It links people directly with their source of food, providing them with the freshest, sustainable products while giving farmers a source of income at their time of highest expense (early spring).



What You Get

Quality: The items in your boxes are grown on the farm, harvested as close to the delivery day as possible, and picked at their peak. We take pride in providing the highest quality.

Convenience: Members will receive a weekly box of our seasonal vegetables over 12 weeks. CSA boxes will be delivered right to your doorstep for the ultimate convenience.

Community: By supporting locally grown food you will be strengthening your communities self-reliance and resiliency. 

Save Money: Pay less for your produce than you would at the market or when buying individualy each week.

Connection: Create a relationship with your food by knowing where your food comes from and who is growing it. Come out to the farm and get a tour to learn more.


Your Commitment

Pledge: You are making a pledge to support the farm. By becoming a member you share the risks and challenges that constantly exist when growing food. You understand that the quantities and timing of harvest may be affected by adverse weather conditions or events.

Participate: When you commit to a local CSA share you are making a difference in the food system. Each veggie that you get that is locally grown is a veggie that didn’t have to be shipped crossed the world. By supporting a local farmer you are taking the power away from the big corporations that are trying to control your lives.

Receive: Receiving your box is your biggest responsibility. If you are not able to receive your box on any given day, make sure to arrange for someone else to bring it inside or contact me to figure something out!

Enjoy: The flavors and nutrient density that your food has when grown close to home and organically will benefit you and your body. Knowing that you are making a difference will benefit your mind and soul 🙂


Our Commitment

We grow food that is free from synthetic chemicals, nutritionally dense, and fresh food. Kapristo Farms uses organic, sustainable, and traditional methods to plant, cultivate, and harvest food: and to control disease and insects. Practicing permaculture methods to create a closed-loop regenerative farm. We strive to work with nature and the resources we have on the farm.
We also take the responsibility of good clear communication seriously, so always feel free to contact us with any concerns 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose what's in my box each week?

At this point in time, we are unable to offer completely customized CSA boxes. Currently, boxes are seasonal and vary each week. We do our best to offer a variety of produce that is suitable for weekly meals. The program is able to accommodate medical allergies if notified in advance. If you are interested in picking out your own selection each week, find us at the Golden Farmers Market every Wednesday!

Where do you deliver?

Delivery by door is available to Golden residences. As well as, Campbell road between Mons road and Golden. Mitchell road and highway 95 North of Mitchell road. If you live outside this area a pick-up location can be arranged. 
Also Farm pick-up is an option.

Can I try before I commit?

Yes! We offer a trial week of one delivery so you can see exactly what it’s like before committing to a subscription. The trial week can be selected in our store.

What if I have dietary concerns?

Any and all your dietary concerns can be included as notes when you check out your subscription, and I’m happy to accommodate you.

How do I add eggs or rabbit to my box?

If they are available then you can find these items in our online store. Simply purchase them by Thursday each week and they will be delivered with your CSA delivery that Friday.

How does payment work?

We accept PayPal, e-transfers or cash. PayPal can be used directly in the checkout, allowing you to use a credit card, debit card or your PayPal account. E-transfers need to be sent to within 24 hours of checking out. Cash payments are due at the first delivery.

When are subscriptions available?

Signing up for subscriptions is available bi-yearly in late spring and fall.
The open cart will start on June 15th until all shares are filled. The first CSA box will be delivered on July 15th. If a trial box was purchased you will have 4 days after delivery to commit to a CSA Share plan.


When is the first box? When is the last box?

This CSA program runs for 12 weeks, and are delivered on ? This years dates and delivery day has yet to be determined.

Do I need to be home for the delivery time?

It’s best, but not a deal breaker. You can always reach out to me before the delivery day and we’ll make a different arrangement to make sure your Farm Meal Box gets to you safe and sound.

What if I need to skip a week?

You bet. It’s important to plan to receive and consume your meal boxes as scheduled, but I understand, there’s often one week that just doesn’t fit. One grace week can be skipped with any subscription (just pop me an email with adequate notice), which will bump that delivery forward to the week after your subscription would have ended.

What happens if I want to cancel?

The trial week is the best way to figure out if this is for you. No pressure, no commitment, just a delicious taste-test. Once you do commit to a subscription, that means I’ll invest time and money into ingredients, prep and delivery time, and no refunds will be issued for cancelled subscriptions.

Do I have to purchase containers for the box program?

No, you will be designated 2 wooden crates that will be rotated out each week. Any and all containers, including crates will be expected to be returned once they are empty.
We are passionate about reducing, reusing, and recycling. Less waste the better.

How do I sign up?

Choose from the three share options.
Trial Week or Small Share or Large Share
In the checkout, you will be prompt to enter your dietary requirements, address details, and payment options. Don’t whole back with your dietary preferences!!

What is the difference between weekly specials and subscriptions?

Weekly specials offer a rotating selection of à la carte products that you can order for a one-off delivery any time you’re interested.
Subscriptions are a commitment that guarantees delivery of a CSA share for a set number of weeks from a one-time order at a cost efficient price. Please note, not everything will be available each week for those ordering weekly from our specials.

Can I volunteer for CSA credit?

YES! We always need extra helping hands and are happy to exchange for farm credit. 
Just drop us an email to arrange a day to come out and lend a hand.

11 + 15 =

Get In Touch or Visit The Farm Anytime

1(250) 348-2286